Psychiatrist Second opinion in ADHD. Home visit and complex cases.

Consists of a comprehensive private psychiatrist consultation up to 2 hrs and a review of the past medical records, followed by a comprehensive report writing generally 1hr. The time allocated for each case, and costs may vary, depending on the complexity and volume of past medical records.

All the referrals need to have an existing ADHD diagnosis, or evidence to suggest the presence of this condition. Where clinically indicated and available, we may have the option to offer a home visit.
Psychiatrist Second opinion in ADHD

When to request a second opinion

  • If you don't have a clear diagnosis, waiting can delay the ADHD treatment you need.
  • Complex cases, when you are not sure about the diagnosis or treatment plan.
  • When you are worried that you're not being offered the optimal treatment.

Home visit indications

  • The client requests the highest discretion and privacy
  • The client is unable to leave the home or join a video consultation
  • Where the family feels the home visit may add further clinical value
  • In severe anxiety disorders, substance misuse or severe presentations

Visit arrangements and family members

We may not be able to accommodate a home visit, if this is not passing our risk assessment process or we may not have availability. We encourage a family member to be present at all times to facilitate and add further information.

In some situations, we may need to conduct a 1 hr interview with a family member before considering taking on the case.

The fees for a home visit

Home visits and second opinions are more expensive because of the additional time and travel required. We accept patients for this service only via the self-funding method.

We recommend a minimum 2-hour visit slot for the first assessment starting at £1160. Please note the traveling time of the psychiatrist to your home and back to base is charged separately at the standard fee of £580 per hour. The costs of a home visit can vary depending on your location, complexity, and the fee will be agreed in advance.

Location coverage

We can organise a private consultant psychiatrist home visit in:

  • London
  • Oxfordshire


Given the intense needs of complex cases, and additional time to safely manage a case we have limited availability to offer this service.

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Book your assessment

We are welcoming you to process your enquiry.

Please contact Dr. Ivantu's secretary with any questions, or scheduling inquiries you may have. Our service is open Friday - Monday, and we aim to reply within 24 hours.
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