Private ADHD Assessment (Oxford): Process, Price & Tools

Did you know that almost 16% of university first-year students have ADHD? That's just under 1 in 6.ADHD can often go undiagnosed and untreated in adulthood, leading to difficulties with focus, organisation, and time management — especially challenging if you're a student. If you suspect that you may have ADHD, getting a private assessment can provide valuable insights and support.In this guide, we'll cover all you need to know about our online booking of your private ADHD assessments in Oxford, including the steps involved, costs, and what happens next.

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Photo of the Hertford Bridge, also known as the Bridge of Sighs in Oxford University, England.

ADHD Assessments in Oxford: Online and Private

Photo of the Radcliffe Camera and Bodleian Libraries in Oxford

We use a range of screening and diagnostic tools to ensure comprehensive and personalised ADHD private assessments. These tools help identify and confirm ADHD symptoms, guiding the development of a personalised treatment plan.

Screening Tools

Our initial assessment begins with screening tools designed to quickly identify potential ADHD symptoms. These tools can be used by both patients and the private assessing psychiatrist:

  1. Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS)
  2. Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale (BAARS-IV)
  3. Autism-Spectrum Quotient Test (AQ-50)

These tests provide an initial overview and are just the first step in the diagnostic process.

Diagnostic Tools

For a more thorough evaluation, we use diagnostic tools that involve clinical interviews conducted by psychiatrists. These interviews are recognised internationally and guided by the DSM-5 criteria for ADHD considering various aspects of your history and symptoms:

  • Developmental history
  • Medical history
  • Duration of symptoms
  • Ruling out other conditions
  • Level of impairment to daily functioning

These tools ensure an accurate, evidence-based diagnosis, leading to a tailored treatment plan.

How the Online ADHD Assessment Process Works

Getting an ADHD assessment can feel overwhelming, so we’ve streamlined our virtual patient onboarding process to make it as straightforward as possible. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Contact: Submit the contact form with a brief overview of your needs and how the consultant psychiatrist can assist.
  2. Screening: Complete the mental health screening questions provided by Dr. Ivantu’s secretary.
  3. Registration: Register as a patient with the help of Dr. Ivantu’s secretary and set up your appointment.
  4. Assessment: Get ready for your private ADHD assessment by preparing your documents and completing the pre-assessment questionnaire.
  5. Post-Assessment: Obtain medication (if needed) and arrange a follow-up appointment.

Here are a few more details on each step:

1. Contact Us (Time: 5-10 minutes)

  • What you do: Submit the contact form with a brief overview of your needs. You should provide key information about your mental health and how you hope the consultant psychiatrist can help.
  • This step is essential for assessing whether our services are a good fit for your needs. Expect a response within 24-48 hours from Friday to Monday.

2. Screening Questions (Time: 15-20 minutes)

  • What you do: Respond to the mental health screening questions sent by Dr. Ivantu’s secretary.
  • What we'll do: After your initial form, we will send a set of general mental health screening questions. Your answers will help us evaluate your situation and determine the next steps, such as accepting your case or requesting additional information.
  • Our service is not designed for emergencies or severe psychiatric conditions.

3. Registration and Schedule Your Appointment (Time: 15-30 minutes)

  • What you do: Register as a patient and fill out the pre-appointment questionnaire.
  • What we'll do: Our secretary will guide you through registering on our electronic health record system. Before your appointment, you’ll need to complete a thorough and detailed questionnaire to provide vital information for your consultation.
  • Dr. Ivantu recommends consultations over video conferencing for ADHD assessments, but in-person appointments in London are also available.

4. Your Private ADHD Assessment (Time: up to 2.5 hours)

  • What you do: Here, you'll participate in a thorough private consultation via video conference with Dr. Ivantu.
  • What we'll do: Dr. Ivantu will thoroughly review your documents and pre-assessment form prior to your scheduled appointment to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your case. The consultation will last up to 2 hours and 30 minutes, providing ample time for Dr. Ivantu to conduct a detailed evaluation of your situation. During this period, you can expect an in-depth discussion about your health history, concerns, and any specific questions you may have, allowing for a tailored approach to your needs.
  • If you have an existing ADHD diagnosis, a 2-hour assessment is provided.

5. After the ADHD Assessment

  • What you do: Receive a detailed diagnosis report, and medication if prescribed. You schedule via our medical secretary a follow-up consultation.
  • What we'll do: If medication is deemed appropriate for your condition, it will be made available within 24 to 72 hours. During this process, a prescription will be completed and sent securely to our partner pharmacy. They will arrange for home delivery, ensuring your safety and privacy throughout the process.
  • The first follow-up meeting will be arranged to discuss your care and ensure you are making the desired progress.  

Our goal is to keep this process transparent and efficient to provide you with the best possible care and support. We understand that managing ADHD can be challenging, and we are committed to working closely with you every step of the way.

What Happens After Your Assessment?

Photo of the All Souls College, a constituent college of the University of Oxford in England.

You'll get your diagnosis and questions answered:

  • We'll be able to comfortably provide you with an accurate diagnosis after your comprehensive assessment.
  • Allow yourself to explore your ADHD diagnosis and ask as many questions as you need help with.
  • We continue to support your treatment, either medication or holistic. If you need more time to think about how you'd like to proceed, we'll support you through that as well.

You may receive medication access within 24-72 hours:

  • Dr. Ivantu will complete a private prescription and send it to the pharmacy via a secure, tracked service.
  • You can collect your medication from your home comfortably and have it delivered to your address in Oxford within 24-72 hours.

You can sign off on communication with the GP:

  • Your contact information and clinic letter can be shared with your NHS or University GP — but only with your permission.
  • You will be contacted by the medical secretary to arrange your follow-up meeting with Dr. Ivantu.

We can schedule follow-up sessions tailored to your needs:

  • Standard 1-hour holistic sessions or shorter 30-minute sessions are available.
  • A bespoke treatment plan may include therapy, coaching, and technology hygiene or management of associated mental health conditions, with follow-up frequency agreed upon by you and Dr. Ivantu.

Costs Associated with Private ADHD Assessments

  • The total cost of pre-assessment, 2.5 hr assessment, and diagnosis report — is £1450.
  • At no extra cost, we will write up a letter of support for your university, if needed.
  • Please note that medication costs are not included in the assessment fee, these are in the region of £100 - £200 / month depending on your treatment plan
  • Follow-up sessions are 30 min for £345 or holistic 60-minute sessions for £580.

We accept self-funding clients. We recommend contacting your provider if you have private medical insurance with WPA, Bupa Global, Aviva, or Allianz Care.

Benefits of Obtaining a Private ADHD Assessment

As a university student, the benefits of a private ADHD assessment are numerous. Here are just a few we think you'll find most important:

  1. Quality: Private ADHD assessments are conducted by experienced and specialised psychiatrists with extensive knowledge and experience working with individuals with ADHD. This ensures that you receive high-quality private care and accurate diagnosis.
  2. Continuity of care: With a private ADHD assessment from Dr Stefan Ivantu, you can work with the same clinician throughout your assessment and treatment journey. This allows for better continuity of care and building a strong therapeutic relationship.
  3. Timely access: Private assessments typically have shorter wait times than NHS assessments, which means you can receive a diagnosis and start treatment sooner.
  4. Flexibility: Private assessments offer more flexibility in scheduling appointments and choosing the type of assessment that works best for you. At ADHD Specialist, we offer video conferencing for your assessment so that you can take part without leaving Oxford.
  5. Comprehensive evaluation: Private ADHD assessments often include a comprehensive evaluation that covers various aspects such as medical and mental health history, psychological testing, and consultations with family members (if needed).

On a larger scale, an ADHD assessment from a qualified professional can provide peace of mind and expedite your access to appropriate treatment and support. It can also help you better understand your strengths and challenges and improve your self-management skills.

Book an assessment today to see what it can do for you.

Reviews and Testimonials from Our Previous Patients

We believe in delivering high-quality care that makes a positive impact on the lives of our patients. Here are some reviews and testimonials from previous patients and colleagues:

I have worked with Dr Ivantu for many years in Oxford and I have always found him to be a great colleague and a compassionate, highly skilled clinician who cares greatly for his patients. cares greatly for his patients. — T. B.
Dr Ivantu was kind, welcoming, and made me feel at ease. I am very glad I worked up the courage to seek help and would highly recommend Dr. Ivantu! — Former Patient
Excellent clinic and psychiatrist. Dr Ivantu cared about my case and immediately guided me in one of my most difficult period in life. The attention to detail and his involvement in every little detail are second to none. He is passionate about helping people and is up to date with all the discoveries in ADHD. Most importantly he is sincere and very empathic. Great character and a warm person RateMDs

Dealing with  ADHD can be challenging, but assessment doesn't have to be the same. Get in touch today to see how our team can help you on your journey towards better understanding and managing ADHD.

Self-Assessment Tools for ADHD in University Students

At ADHD Specialist, we've developed a secure online ADHD test you can use to answer questions about your symptoms, behaviours, and experiences.

The ADHD Online Test for Adults

This questionnaire is based on the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1) Symptom Checklist, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Workgroup on Adult ADHD. It is a reliable and validated tool used by clinicians worldwide to assess ADHD symptoms in adults.

We recommend taking the test before your initial consultation with our team, so you can get an idea of your individual situation and needs.

Note: this test does NOT substitute for a formal diagnosis with a health professional. It is simply a tool to help identify potential ADHD symptoms.

Put Your Mind at Ease with ADHD Specialist Today

Let's recap what we've covered today:

  • Understanding the process: Submit the contact form, complete the screening, register, and attend the comprehensive ADHD assessment. This streamlined process ensures thorough evaluation and personalized care, with follow-up support to manage ADHD effectively.
  • Unpacking the cost: The comprehensive assessment costs £1450. Medication costs are additional and will be discussed during the consultation.
  • Experience the benefits: Private assessments offer timely access, continuity of care, and a thorough evaluation. These advantages lead to a more accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan, enhancing overall well-being.
  • Utilise the tools: Use screening and diagnostic tools like the ASRS and DSM-5 criteria to identify ADHD symptoms. These tools guide the assessment process, ensuring an evidence-based and comprehensive approach to diagnosis.

ADHD doesn't have to be a roadblock in your life. With the right support, you can learn to manage and thrive with ADHD. At ADHD Specialist, we're dedicated to providing personalised care and support for students and adults with ADHD — book an appointment today to take the first step.


Who can benefit from an ADHD assessment?

Anyone experiencing difficulties with attention, concentration, impulsivity, and hyperactivity may benefit from an ADHD assessment. These symptoms can significantly impact your studies, daily life and relationships, making it hard to reach personal and professional goals. If you think you may be undiagnosed, seek an Oxford-trained ADHD specialist and contact us today.

How long does the comprehensive assessment take?

The total consultation time you spend with the private psychiatrist takes up to 2.5 hours. The registration process takes approximately 20 min. For a quick and informative exploration, consider taking an online ADHD test (private and confidential) to better understand your symptoms.

Is there any follow-up support after the assessment?

Yes, we provide ongoing support and follow-up sessions to help you manage your ADHD effectively. This includes medication management (if needed), therapy referrals, coaching services, and educational resources.

Why should I get a private ADHD diagnosis?

Countless university students around the world are affected by ADHD: Oxford and Cambridge are no different. Getting your ADHD assessment private lets you avoid long wait times and receive more personalised care. If you’d like to consult with an Oxford-trained psychiatrist, servicing London, Oxford and Cambridge contact us today.