Our patients' complaints process

Before the assessment, we offer our patients written information about our complaints and compliments process. In the situation, you are dissatisfied with the services you received at the ADHD Specialist we want to know as soon as possible. We are dedicated to understanding your situation, and where necessary taking action, to improve, adapt and learn from your experience.

The complaint resolution procedure has three stages reflecting the principles of the ISCAS Code of Practice:

Stage 1 Local resolution within the individual practice

Stage 2 IDF Complaint Resolution Procedure to review the complaint

Stage 3 Independent Adjudication from ISCAS


We believe in good communication and promptly intervene to address an uncomfortable situation. Please contact us at enquiries@adhdspecialist.com to discuss your problems with Dr Ivantu.

Stage 1

To start the formal Complaint Resolution Procedure, you should write to:

Named person in the practice: Dr Stefan Ivantu

Email: manager@adhdspecialist.com

Address: 10 Harley St, London, W1G 9PF

Please note we recommend being notified by email for a prompt reply to your concerns.

You should state what has caused you to have concerns and make your points clear. Please document when the relevant events took place and what results you expect from your complaint. Complaints should normally be made as soon as possible at Stage 1, and within 12 months of the date of the event complained about, or within 6 months of the matter coming to the attention of the complainant. The time limit may be extended by the Independent Health Practitioner where the complainant has good reason (for example, where a complainant has been grieving), and there is a realistic opportunity to conduct a fair and effective investigation into the issues raised.

The named person at the practice will send you an acknowledgement of your letter within three working days of receipt of the complaint. You will be offered a meeting to discuss your complaint and to agree on the heads of the complaint.

The investigation of your complaint will involve reviewing records of meeting(s) with you and reviewing all the correspondence and clinical records as well as statements provided by clinicians and others involved. Reasonable assistance will be provided for complainants where required e.g. for those with a disability or those whose first language is not English. A full response to your complaint will be made within 28 days of receipt of the complaint.

If the investigation is still in progress after 28 days a letter will be sent to you explaining the delay. In any event a holding letter will be sent every 28 days where an investigation is continuing. If you remain dissatisfied following the final Stage 1 response, then you can request a review of your complaint, known as Stage 2 by writing to:

Complaint Manager

The Independent Doctors Federation

Lettsom House

11 Chandos Street




Escalation to Stage 2 must be made in writing within six months of the final Stage 1 response.

Stage 2

The IDF Complaint Resolution Procedure will consider your complaint. The IDF Complaint Manager will send you an acknowledgement of your letter within three working days of receipt of your complaint and will request a summary of the matters that remain outstanding that you wish to be investigated. You will be invited to attend a meeting at the start of Stage 2 in order to clarify the matters that remain outstanding and obtain a greater understanding of what you hope to achieve by escalating the complaint.

The IDF Complaint Manager will not have been involved in the matters that led to the complaint or the handling of the complaint at Stage 1. You will be asked to consent to the release of records from the doctor. The IDF Complaint Manager will undertake a review of the documentation, any correspondence and the handling of and response to the complaint at Stage 1.

If the review is still in progress after 20 days a letter will be sent to you explaining the delay and a full response made within five days of reaching a conclusion. In any event, a holding letter will be sent every 20 days where a review is continuing. The IDF Complaint Manager will write to you when the review is completed to either confirm the outcome at Stage 1 or to offer an alternative resolution.

At this time the IDF will advise you of your right to take the matter further to Stage 3 Independent External Adjudication by the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISACS). Throughout the process, all information, documents and records relevant to your complaint will be treated in the strictest confidence and no information will be divulged to any parties who are not involved in the IDF Complaint Resolution Procedure, unless required to do so by law.

Stage 3

This stage is only available to you if you remain dissatisfied once Stage 1 and Stage 2 are exhausted and aims to bring about a final resolution of the complaint to both parties. In such a situation you should request the adjudication by writing to the Secretariat:

Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS)

CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution), 3rd Floor

100 St. Paul’s Churchyard



Tel: 020 7536 6091

Email: info@iscas.org.uk

This written request for adjudication must be made within six months of the final determination by

the IDF at Stage 2. You should provide reasons to explain the dissatisfaction with the outcome of Stage 2. ISCAS will acknowledge receipt of the request within three working days ISCAS will seek confirmation from the IDF that Stage 2 has been completed.

ISCAS will notify the IDF of a request for Stage 3 independent external adjudication. The IDF will respond to requests from ISCAS within ten working days and confirm whether Stages 1 and 2 have been completed. ISCAS will then be your main contact once adjudication is started. You will be asked to consent to the release of records from the doctor and the IDF relevant to the complaint.

ISCAS will issue the decision within 20 working days or provide a progress update every 20 working days if the decision is delayed. A report will be made to you, the doctor concerned and the IDF. Additional information for patients about ISCAS can be found at: https://iscas.cedr.com/

Additional information for patients about the IDF can be found at:

IDF – www.idf.co.uk


Where you feel your situation was not dealt with, and this is likely to continue affecting you please do not hesitate to contact us in attn Dr Ivantu: manager@adhdspecialist.com. Our private practice has a three-stage complaint process, local, managerial and ISCAS. At your request, we can also provide a copy of our complaints policy.

We strive to understand your complaint in a timely manner, keep you involved, and aim towards a positive resolution.